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The Silent Killer

It was around eight months ago my Wife asked me to accompany her to one of those IV infused cocktail venues as she did not want to go alone to have a needle stuck in her arm, so I relented and off we went. They, as part of their process, take your blood pressure before you start, and it was here that they told me that my blood pressure was too high to get the IV. To say I was shocked was an understatement as I felt better than ever and could not believe it. So, the next day I made an appointment to see our doctor who then confirmed this truth that my blood pressure was in a hypertensive state. This means that your blood pressure remains at a constant elevated blood pressure (above 140/90).

I started to do some research on this issue and was dumbfounded by the prevalence of this phenomenon in South Africa alone, an estimated 50% of adults are living with hypertension which is a key driver for cardiovascular disease. Approximately four in ten adults older than 25 years have hypertension and this means 75% of the world’s hypertension population are at risk and are potential candidates for heart disease, strokes, kidney disease or even sudden death. (Source: The Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa.)

The key causes of this can be one or a combination of the following.

· Heredity

· Poor diet, too high in salt and low in good vegetables and fruit

· Physical Inactivity

· Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption

· Obesity

The silver lining of the story is that it is something you can fix and manage in your life and the benefits you will see are amazing. The first step is to know where you stand with regards to your blood pressure statistics and then make decisions from there. By this I mean there might be medication needed as well as taking the steps outlined below to achieve the desired result of bringing your blood pressure back to the normal range on an ongoing basis. I bought a blood pressure monitor at a reasonable price and measure at least three times a week to ensure it is staying in the healthy range, this allows small tweaks to be done on an ongoing basis.

With a combination of behaviour change and correct supplementation you will be able to make a significant impact not only on your blood pressure but also on your total wellness.

· The first is to lose the extra kilograms around the waist by following a healthy diet and getting more exercise – start slow and get assistance on both to ensure correctness and accountability.

· Reduce sodium in your diet by reducing as many processed food items as possible.

· Try to reduce the stress in your life and take time to consciously de-stress during the day.

· Quit smoking and reduce your alcohol consumption, this can be done by getting support on both if you feel you cannot do this on your own.

From a diet point of view try to include more of the foods listed below which all aid the body in lowering of your blood pressure. This list is by no means exhaustive.

· Healthy fats

o Food containing Omega 3 fatty acids such as Salmon, sardines, and flaxseed

o Avocado Pears

· Olive Oil (Extra Virgin)

· Beetroots and beetroot Juice

· Sweet potatoes and leafy greens

· Apples and bananas, food high in potassium content.

· Dark Chocolate.

Lastly there are a couple of supplements that can also assist in lowering of your blood pressure taken to add to and bolster a healthy and balanced eating plan.

· Folic Acid

· Potassium

· Magnesium

· Vitamin D3

· Fibre

I would be glad to assist you in your journey to health and wellbeing and map out a plan should you have high blood pressure or just wanting to begin to live a healthier life.

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