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Creating High Performing Sales Teams

Inspiring you to live a Healthier Lifestyle

How to Create High Performing Sales Teams

A sales wellness Workshop? You might be asking why this is needed?  In any company the sales division is the heart and engine of the organisation and if this is in a state of turmoil then one can be sure that the company results will follow suit.


A strong and effective sales force is needed in the organisation and yet the situation most companies find themselves in today is a stressed out and largely ineffective sales force.


According to the 2022 State of Mental Health in Sales (Compiled by UnCrushed, The Harris Consulting Group and The Sales Health Alliance) the mental health of salespeople continues to get worse with more than 3 in 5 (63%) sellers now struggling with their Mental Health.


An organization that focusses on mental wellness, creating a strong culture of inclusivity and support create a sales team that experiences higher engagement and overall achieves better results.

RegenR8 offers a one-day Sales Wellness course where we highlight the issues that sales teams are faced with:


​​We explore these and work through mechanisms to not only overcome these but implement strategies to thrive and become a high performing sales engine.

We focus on:

  • Creating a High-Performance Culture, both individually as well as in the Team

  • Explore the concepts of Fixed vs Growth Mindsets

  • Creating Systems and not just Goals

  • Creating a Positive Future

The sales Team will leave the one-day workshop with practical tools to overcome the challenges of sales in today’s uncertain and volatile environment.

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